Update: this giveaway is now closed.

Thanks to some truly spectacular sponsors, I get to do just that. : ) Here are the goodies...be sure and check out the lovely shops!

8.5" by 11" print in color of your choice by bubby and bean. {website}
custom-made felt flower pillow by kelsi creates
choice of any three flavors of lip balm from mariposa home
set of three earrings from our daily chocolate

earrings by trudy james
ring by creative kate's
handbag by dear prudence
necklace by alejandra's jewelry
earrings by fancy schmancy me
8" by 10" print by megan rene
necklace by two little doves
there are twelve separate prizes, which means there will be twelve different winners.
mandatory entry:
tell me about one of your very favorite smells,
and what you associate with it and why you love it. : )
worth one extra entry each:
follow me
put the giveaway button on your sidebar
spread the word about the giveaway in whatever way you wish.

Favorite smell...hmmm..I love warm vanilla sugar...it reminds me of coffee, baking, and just pure goodness. lol :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing this!
I love the smell of my shampoo and conditioner (Herbal Essence: Tousle Me Softly) because it takes me back to our amazing trip to Europe we took with dear friends last May. I still can't get over how wonderful that trip was :).
ReplyDeleteI already follow you!
ReplyDeletemy favorite smell would HAVE to be cinnamon. why? because it always reminds me of my grandmother's house. and I love my grandmother.. <3
ReplyDeleteI follow you already!
ReplyDeleteI shared about your giveaway on my facebook. :)
ReplyDeleteAND. I posted your button on my blog. :)
ReplyDeleteSweet giveaway! Thank you! :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell...that's kinda hard. Ha!
One that did come to mind when I thought about that, though is my grandma. She has a very distinct smell. It's kinda a mixture between her perfume and a little hint of smoke. Everything of hers smells like that. It reminds me of all the times I played and spent the night with her and my Grandaddy when I was little. :)
I follow you! :)
And I added the giveaway button to my blog sidebar. :)
The smell of rain! The other day I went outside to do chores, and I was just hit with this lovely fresh smell. It reminds me of spring and thunderstorms (which I like). Sure enough, it rained that night.
I follow you.
I put the button in my sidebar.
I already follow your blog! :)
ReplyDeleteMy fave smell is bonfires, I don't exactly know why, but I just love the smell! :)
ReplyDeleteMmmm... favorite smells. Some of my faves are: Vanilla, my dad's oatmeal chocolatechip raisin cookies, fresh flowers, etc. :)
ReplyDeleteThey just smell sooo good!
ReplyDeleteMy favortite smell.... humm. I must say that I love the smell of teeny tiny babies just after their first bath. There is someting so precious about that... it makes me want to bottle it up and never forget!
ReplyDelete...and I follow your blog! {loyaly.}
ReplyDeleteI've added your button to my sidebar!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell would have to be anything yummy baking in the oven. :)
ReplyDelete--Love MCat
I posted the button in my sidebar.
ReplyDelete--Love MCat
hmmm... i love the smell of fresh cut grass - it reminds me of the summer/spring and being outside.
Fresh cut grass, because it is the smell of summer and early fall to me. And I LOVE summer and early fall. Eek, I just read the post above this, she said almost exactly the same thing....weird.
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog :)
ReplyDeleteI posted your giveway on FB.
ReplyDeleteHm, my favorite smell would either have to be raspberries, because they remind me of spring and summer and are so so delicious, or new babies. I just love to smell their heads and it makes me want to eat their big ol' legs. ;)
ReplyDeleteSoli Deo Gloria!
I follow you :)
ReplyDeleteI follow you!
ReplyDeleteI posted about your giveaway on Google buzz.
ReplyDeleteYour giveaway button is on my blog.
ReplyDeleteFavorite smell? Hmm, I love the smell of laundry, especially when I walk into the laundry room and the window is open. The breezy air and the laundry is a perfect combination. :)
ReplyDeleteFavorite smell... Hard one. One of my favorites would be the smell of old mines. A mix of the underground smell and the smell of rotting wood and weird chemicals and cold rock.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why I like the smell so much, but my brother and I have been exploring any abandoned mines we could find since forever. The smell always gives me a sense of nostalgia and a thrill of adventure.
I follow
ReplyDeleteThe button is in my sidebar :)
ReplyDeleteHmm, one of my favorite smells is ripening blackberries. because it brings back so many summer memories. :)
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of strawberries. Especially fresh ones, or ones still on the plant. In the front yard of the house I grew up in, we had several strawberry plants. I used to play in the front yard all the time, and the smell of strawberries always brings me back to playing jump rope or pretending to be in a wedding. So fun!
ReplyDeleteaaannd i follow you. ^_^
ReplyDeleteI follow you!
ReplyDeleteAnd I tweeted about it!
Lol, this question reminds me of a part in the Half-Blood Prince... lol :-D Which, one of my favvorite scents is old books. The other is coffee, because it perks me up and is just plain heavenly, and....cologne. Heh.
ReplyDeleteI follow, and have since the beginning. :-D But you know that. :)
ReplyDeletePosted about it on facebook!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell is of doughnuts. Why? I just adore eating them and they remind me of family vacations.
ReplyDeleteI already follow you. :D
ReplyDeleteI tweeted!! @BramblewoodF
ReplyDeleteOh, I love the smell of coffee. Especially in the early morning,and it's even better if mixed with the smell of the sea. Because when I was a wee thing we'd go to my grandpa's house down in FL, and he lived right next to the ocean, literally it was in his backyard. And every morning I'd wake up to the crisp smell of the sea and the smell of black coffee. Papa Till passed away a year ago but I still think of him every time I make my black coffee.
ReplyDeleteI follow you. :-)
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I believe you follow my blog as well...I'm Hannah Grace from http://walkinthytruth.com.
The giveaway button is on my site, under the "current giveaways" section on my sidebar.
One of my favorite smells is popcorn because it reminds me of movie theaters and going to the movies is so much fun! ;)
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite smells is chocolate cookies!! :) Because I get to eat them. ;)
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite smells in the world is probably Coconuts…. because they really remind me of Mexico… Partly because I wore Coconut perfume in Mexico and partly because of the actual coconuts I had there and it makes me happy because I love Mexico!
ReplyDeleteI follow you!
ReplyDeleteI’m following you!
ReplyDeleteAnd I posted the giveaway button on my sidebar!
ReplyDeleteOh and I posted about it!
ReplyDeleteI'm a happy follower! :)
ReplyDeleteI put the giveaway button on my sidebar! :)
ReplyDeleteI love the smell after rain pours on a summer day. It is so crisp and fresh :)
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ReplyDeleteI posted on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteI posted on Google Buzz.
ReplyDeleteOooh, these are lovely giveaways...how exciting! One of my favorite smells ever is, surprisingly, smoke. Not the kind of smoke that you choke on, but the wispy kind that you get just after you blow out a candle. For some reason, I just love that. ;]
ReplyDeleteI posted on my blog. http://redheadedpenguin.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI put your button on my blog.
ReplyDeletei follow you!
ReplyDeletei love the smell of the smell of the store lowes. i know wierd...but it just makes me feel happy. and it is kinda springy...because i only go in there in the sppring..
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of freshly cut grass and new babies. New babies smell so great! Plus they are so cute. And I love the smell of cookies fresh out of the oven. :)
ReplyDeleteAmazing! I love the smell of pumpkin... It reminds me of fall, which is my favorite time of year, and pumpkin pie, which is delicious. Ahh. I love it.
ReplyDeleteOh, I added the button!And I'm following you!
ReplyDeleteI shared this by posting on my google account--google buzz. (:
ReplyDeletei posted it on my side bar.
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of vanilla and lavender mixed together! It makes me feel so relaxed!
ReplyDeleteI follow you! :)
ReplyDeleteI put your giveaway button on my sidebar :)
ReplyDeleteOoooo!!!! Please enter me! One of my all time favorite smells is LAVENDER-no artificial scent can copy it and bottle it-lavender is an amazing scent!!! It reminds me of those sultry hot days in the lavender fields...the purple-greyish spikes shimmer slightly in the cool summer breeze, while the scent diffuses through the heat, and the bees buzz busily from bush to bush. :)
ReplyDeleteMany Blessings,
I follow already! I would REALLY like that Paris necklace!;)
ReplyDeleteI posted your button on my sidebar!
ReplyDeleteFavorite smell: Can my favorite smell also be one of my least faves? My mother's perfume! She wear entirely too much. And I mean waaay too much! She chokes us all. But when I'm away from her, or hours later I can still smell her with me.; then I just love it.
ReplyDeletePS- I surely do follow you!
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower of course. =]
ReplyDeleteOn the sidebar, my friend.
ReplyDeleteThe smell of fresh bread... well because I love to eat it! :)))
ReplyDeleteThe smell of hyacinth and lilacs because they remind me of SPRING!
My favorite smell is actually chocolate- and the reasoning most people will find strange lol... my best friend for over 20 years once took chocolate whipped cream and sprayed it up my nose. Ever since, whenever I smell chocolate- I think of him haha.
I already follow you! :)
Ooooooo my favorite smell (or one of them) is probably a fresh cut lawn. It just smells amazing to me. Probably because I just love summer and it smells kinda freeing. It just smells like happiness to me. :) I love your blog by the way!
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower!!
ReplyDeletePeople think its weird, but I LOVE the smell of the barn. Horses, sawdust, manure, hoof polish, hay, leather....its all wonderful! Absolutely nothing can compare! When I take a step in the barn, I just breath in all that goodness! Its wonderful!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, if it was an air freshener, I would buy it! (Although, the saddle in my room is helping somewhat.)
I follow. :)
ReplyDeletemy favorite smells is chocolate chip cookies just out of the oven, because then i get to eat them;)
i follow you ( under my mom)
spreading the news:)
My favorite smell is your car when you get it back from being detailed and it is so clean inside and out...for about one day.
ReplyDeleteI follow you.
ReplyDeleteI shared about your giveaway on FB.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell is the ocean :)
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ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell is my mom's slow roasting turkey on Thanksgiving day... mmmmmm... ;)
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog.
ReplyDelete*happy sigh* My favorite smell is lemon verbena. It smells like soap and I love it because it's light and airy and perfume-y. :D
ReplyDeleteI follow! :D
ReplyDeleteI put the button on my sidebar!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell is the scent of flowers. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell..Well, I have one for every different season. It's spring, so my favorite smell would have to be on a clear day, with beautiful breezes that carries the smell of jasmine bushes and dogwood blooms. :D
ReplyDeleteI follow you. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I already follow you:) <3
ReplyDeleteI posted about it: http://thebeautyofordinarydays.blogspot.com/2011/03/photo-entry.html
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell is cucumber melon because I assosiate it with my best friend (who I moved away from almost a year ago.)
ReplyDeleteI follow you!
ReplyDeleteProbably the smell of spring. Which is vague, but by smell I mean some of the first days when you open the windows after winter and it just smells fresh and green, mmmmm.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell is sweet pea perfume, because I wore it on my favorite night in my entire life. :)
ReplyDeleteI follow!
ReplyDeleteI facebooked about this giveaway!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely giveaway!
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite smells of Spring/Summer is Lilacs. They are my favorite flower, with a light sweet perfume. They remind me of my grandmother who always had lilacs growing at her house and often had a bouquet of them on her table. The lilac smell speaks to me of the simple elegance of spring! :)
~Miss Laurie
Old-Fashioned Charm
I certainly follow you and enjoy all your lovely posts here!
ReplyDelete~Miss Laurie
Old-Fashioned Charm
I love the smell peach tree blossoms! I love that smell because it brings back good memories.
ReplyDeleteI already follow your blog!
ReplyDeleteI put your button on my blog too!
ReplyDeleteFavorite smell...?
ReplyDeleteI think I'll have to go with laundry dried out on a line on a warm summer day. So, breeze dried laundry! I love curling up in blankets that have just been dried and taking in a nice, long, deep breath!
Button is ON my blog! :D
ReplyDeleteThe smell of citrus supposedly gives you energy, which I often lack. So, citrus it is! :)
ReplyDeleteI follow your lovely blog!
ReplyDeleteYOur button is on my sidebar!
ReplyDeletetweeted about it! http://twitter.com/annaksc1
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ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite smells is vanilla.....followed by a close second of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven!!
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog!
ReplyDeleteWell, I already follow you because your blog is awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell is leather. Mmm, yes. It's just so...earthy and wonderful. <3
ReplyDeleteCan I pick two favourite smells? I love all the lavendar bushes that fragrance my walk to school. They are delicious, friendly and welcoming. And I love freshly cut grass; it smells exactly like spring.
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog.
ReplyDeleteI added your giveaway button to my blog
I posted about this giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI shared on my blog about your giveaway.
And on facebook. :)
ReplyDeleteThis spring I am inhaling the fresh scent of my newborn baby girl - the smell of her milky lips, shower damp little curls and her plump dimpled baby arms. One of the best scents in the entire world and one that so soon is gone!
ReplyDeleteShared on Facebook and my blog. :)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous giveaway!! I'm excited. :D
ReplyDeleteMy favorite scent is Stetson. It's one of my boyfriend's stand-by colognes, and I never smell it unless I'm with him, which sadly isn't often. I cherish it. :')
I follow you. <3 :)
ReplyDeleteFollowed you
ReplyDeleteFavorite smell... Sea Island cotton... reminds me of fresh and clean white sheets. Which I LOVE :)
ReplyDeleteShared on FB
ReplyDeleteI snagged the giveaway button! :D
ReplyDelete...and I tweeted about it! :)
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite smells is butter, melting in a pan on the stove... for some reason, I always automatically associate it with Thanksgiving, and it makes me happy =)
ReplyDeleteAnother fav I have to say is the first rain after a hot summer... it always smells so so clean, and it always takes me back to playing outside ;)
I am a follower!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell is that of a sweet smelling rose. I love the symbolism and ellegant beauty of the flower. Although, I only fully enjoy the flower if it has the innocently sweet clasic fragrance (which you won't find in a flower shop).
ReplyDeleteI followed you!!
ReplyDeleteI posted a link for the giveaway on facebook.
ReplyDeletePosted on FB too! ;)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell would have to be home-made bread or applesauce or lavender.
ReplyDeleteHome-made bread because of just the scent of comfort and homey-ness. Applesauce because it brings memories of friends making it, and excitement over the next time we get together to make it all over again :)
Lavender because I have breathing problems, and I remember when I was really little my Mom would rub that or eucalyptus oil on my back when I was in bed. I love it.
I follow!
ReplyDeletePosted the blog button on my sidebar :)
ReplyDeleteI buzzed.
~Thanks for hosting!
My favorite smell is Daphne. or... just about any other flower, it reminds me of spring and makes me happy. :D
ReplyDeleteI follow!
ReplyDeleteI put your button on my sidebar!
and I posted it on facebook
ReplyDeleteI did a post about it on my blog
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell is Vanilla Coconut body spray by Bath and Body Works because it reminds me of the beach and summertime which are two of my absolute favorite things. :) Also, I follow your blog :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell is coffee. It reminds me of the morning and the refreshingness of drinking coffee at the start of a busy day.
ReplyDeleteI added your button to my blog: confessionssc2013.blogspot.com :)
ReplyDeleteFavorite smell = leather. Saddles, journals, old awesome boots. Man oh man do they make me happy. I got a leather journal a few weeks ago and I'm constantly smelling it. I don't know what it is. Its got a rustic fragrance that makes me happy.
ReplyDeleteAwesome giveaway by the way, as always! Thanks!
I'm a follower of your incredibly awesome blog. ;)
ReplyDeleteI added the button to my sidebar.
ReplyDeleteBlogged about it:
--Love MCat
I love the smell of tiramisu! It is so delicious! I also love the smell of coffee {coffee is in tiramisu!} YUM!
ReplyDeleteI follow you!
ReplyDeleteI told everyone at work about these amazing stores!
ReplyDeleteI posted on my blog about the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteAnd I love the smell of anything in the oven. I love the warmth it brings. Weather it is bread, cake, cookies. I love anything in the oven!
ReplyDeleteI posted on Facebook about your blog!
ReplyDeleteAnd your giveaway!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite smell is a rose, Why?
ReplyDeleteBecause its so sweet smelling and delicate. It reminds me of all seasons and how beautiful nature is..
Strawberries! What's not to love?
ReplyDeleteBright red, juicy, cute, good with cream and first berries ready of the season!
Love your happy blog!
P.S. Do you get an extra entry if you just bought red shoes? http://www.zappos.com/madden-girl-sursey-red-patent
I put your button on my blog: bakingforhim.blogspot.com
Put you on FB too.
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of homemade bread baking in the oven. It reminds me of those good rainy days at home, and my mom making homemade goodies : ) It also reminds me of my grandmother (who passed away 2 years ago) because she used to bake the same bread as well. BREAD BREAD BREAD!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of the perfume my husband gave me, because it smells wonderful and it reminds me of him and how much he loves me! :)
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of colored pencils because it reminds meminds memoir when I was little : )
@ preserving-flowers.blogspot.com
I follow you!
@ preserving-flowers.blogspot.com
My favorite smell is fresh cut gress because it reminds me of summer!!
ReplyDeleteI follow!
ReplyDeleteI put it on my side bar!
My favorite smell is.......the smell of the ocean breeze. I live in Florida, and when I smell that, it reminds me of happy memories in the FL Keys. I love the beach. (just look at my blog, it's obvious! :P)
Great giveaway stuff!!! ;)
My favorite smell would probably be lilac. I have a little story behind it, but it reminds me of God's love for me.
ReplyDeleteI put the blog button on my sidebar!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite smell is books; it reminds me of libraries and bookstores, and how my mom used to read to me when I was little.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway!
I am already a follower. ;)
ReplyDeleteI put the button on my sidebar.
ReplyDeleteOne of my very favorite smells is my Daddy's clean t-shirts. It makes me think of when I was little. :)
ReplyDeleteI already follow you, so this entry is good to go. ;)
ReplyDeleteThis is like, my favorite question.
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of fresh mown grass and coffee, not necessarily together or in that order.
Grass: it smells like summer, like no responsibility and nothing to do.
Coffee: it smells like everything. Like my life. All my books smell like coffee. Sitting here at my desk, I smell coffee, and I haven't had any here in a week. For me, coffee smells like living.
I put the darling graphic onto the sidebar on my blog. :)
ReplyDeleteI follow!
ReplyDeleteI tweeted about the giveaway!
Finally, I posted about the giveaway on Facebook. Thanks for hosting such an awesome event!
ReplyDeleteI posted about it on my blog....
I emailed my friends about it!
ReplyDeleteGood luck everyone! I'm excited to send the winner my "You Are My Favorite Person" art print!