Wednesday, January 2, 2013

brand-new year.

It's a brand-new year. Which means it's been a year since I celebrated the dawn of 2012 and planned out my life and wrote down my lists and got ready to have the best year ever. 

There's so much I could say about last year. It was incredible, it was tough, it was beautiful, it was the best year of my life. Everything about everything changed. Some of it was really really hard, and some of it was really really beautiful, and most of it was really really hard and really really beautiful.

I started out 2012 with the intention of making it awesome. It wasn't a smidgeon like I had planned, and was a hundred times more beautiful and amazing than I'd ever dreamed. I didn't make it awesome at all. Jesus, wildly in control of my life, made it absolutely amazing.

I know that 2013 is going to be incredible. Even if everything changes again, and stuff is hard and it hurts and nothing goes like I'd thought it would. I'm not writing my own story. Which makes the start of this year way scarier and way more exciting.

I'm bursting at the seams to tell you all about the crazy amazing stuff God's been doing in my life. 
But for now--happy, happy new year. 

photo taken by Peter on the glorious and brutal hike up Mt. St. Helens this year.


  1. I pray it is a hundred times better than 2012 for you!! And that the Lord continues to "shine bright, let His glory fill this land as you lift high the King of kings and Great I Am." :) <3 (that in quotation marks is from a song)
    ~Anna P.

  2. ahh it is SO very good to see a post from you. I've missed talking to you too, so much so! I just had your letter out the other day and was remembering how very behind I am in my letter writing. it's incredible to hear and know how much Jesus is doing in your life, and I hope and pray and know that he will continue to do so much more in 2012. :)
    ps--don't worry, a review post is coming. we need to gush about les mis together. do you have skype by chance..?

    1. and by 2012, I definitely meant 2013. ya know. minor detail. ;)

  3. Susannah! I would have screamed and jumped for joy when I saw this post pop up on my dashboard except for the fact that my little sister was sleeping next door and would have been rather cranky if I woke her up :) ANYWAY, glad to see you posting again.

  4. It's great to hear from this corner of bloggy world, Susannah! :) I'm excited to hear what *you're* excited to tell! ;)

  5. It's so good to hear from you again!
    We have checked your blog almost daily in anticipation of a new post - and can't what to here the news!

    God Bless,

    Mooradian Girls

  6. heyheyhey I need to know what's going on, girl! I'm desperate to hear what God has been doing in your life!

    happy new year!


  7. Missed you since October, but was very glad to see a new post pop up this morning! Can't wait to hear all the details in a new post! Miss you photographs!


  8. I'm so glad you're posting again! I've been missing your blog!

  9. Every. Single. Post you write makes me want to meet you face to face a thousand times more than I already did. I am so blessed to have been able to get to know you this past year, Susannah dear, and can't wait to see what 2013 holds for you. You're in my prayers and I love you bunches!

    p.s. that picture is splendiferous.

  10. ahhhhhh happy new year, susannah! my gosh, girl, I miss your posts!! also, when are you coming to england? yeah. and 2012 was amazing. and 2013 is going to be minty biscuits. amen and amen.

  11. happy new year (just a little late. :), and I am so very glad you're posting again! 2013 is going to be amazing!!


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